Monthly Archives: February 2010

Steve’s Lincoln’s Day reflections about Saving Our Community Gardens

There are some who see the future of community gardens as a matter to be resolved through the favor, or largess, of key government officials. They do not want a repeat of the rancor of the Guiliani era: which ended; like the Korean War: a stalemate, through a Bloomberg-Spitzer  Agreement, set to expire this year.

And the gardeners were well treated by the speakers, at the recent (New York City Community Garden Coaliton) NYCCGC  2010 Save All Our Gardens Forum: held February 5 and 6 at the New School.

Politicians who can spoke  like they really “get” this Green thing;  such as;  City  Council President Christine Quinn; and “best of show” Manhattan Borough President Scott M. Stringer; as well as, Council Parks & Recreation Chair Melissa Mark-Viverito (who’s been  “with it” all along). All good Democrats: speaking, so well; in the presence of Keynote Speaker; Livia Marques from the USDA People’s Garden Initiative.

But these were all nominal allies of the gardening community: part of the chorus. So while, I don’t question  their sincerity, on the issue: There was no Mayor, no Attorney General, no Senator (the one that sits on the Agriculture Committee); no Governor;  and  no  Harlem elected official, did I see, or hear quoted.

There was the Parks& Recreation Department Chief; the Hon. Adrian Benepe: but the most endangered gardens, like mine are warehoused under HPD ( Housing & Presevation Department): not really within his official portfolio. Though I hope he’ll be good; if they take our garden, to give us some park land to farm.

For me; the well- intentioned NYCCG Coalition seems  far too ready to accept a paradigm that cedes to  temporary officials; a Right to permanently dispense public lands which slumlords abandoned; banks redlined; and other temporary  office holders ignored: to the utter detriment of the City’s  quality of life. That is; until the same good old boys’ sons were ready to come play their private game of Monopoly with our neighborhood streets.

As I recall, we have community gardens mainly; because some of the people, thus abandoned said; “we can live better than this!” And then set about to make it so.  Count me as one;  who believes that , the little people of today , must require our elected officials: in this  supposed era of Change; to  free more parcels of land: for common citizens to preserve in sustainable ways.

Parcels of land: that should be held in common; in perpetuity; as indivisible inheritances of the people; in their communities; and on their terms. This position proposes that, in each neighborhood; if a  sufficient number  of citizens apply; there be licensed, sunlit spaces, managed beyond the whims of the bureaucrats , the consultants, and their greedy  speculator buddies. Places: where good people; in concert; and as free neighbors and equal, would be empowered to conserve a bit of the natural Earth for posterity.

Such spaces are needed for the nutrition deprived; the poor; and the landless to plant a bit of food or flower: and for those who have to live in the concrete cell box buildings (called projects for the lower incomes and Luxury condos for the uppers); to relax under summer Blue skies; surrounded by calming greenery; sweet forest scents; and maybe some nice Jazz..

I crave for such a space; where the children of richer households, and those of the poorer; where the fit and the feeble: the too young or too old could all come, in turn, to be humbled by  the majesty  of Nature: then reinvigorated by the power of liberated  human cooperation. Community gardens; prove we can.

I’m with those, who insist that there should be unexploited spaces where we honor the traditions of the Native peoples: from whom all this land was stolen. So, we can pay respect to their ancient folklore: which informs us; correctly, that the Earth belongs to none of us,  but rather; We all belong to the Earth.

We need places where we can recall, from our own Ancestors (white ad black):  that even in the depths of indentured servitude or brutal slavery (within this City; not down South); they were given leave to plant a few carrots, greens and herbs. And how that bit of  respite  “to”  Liberty and Self-reliance, kept embers of Hope for Freedom alive: in their Hearts: and, more important, in the collective consciousness of their children.

We need places to try and  live; as Lincoln said,” … neither a slave nor a slave master”.  Places;  where  every citizen is free to be a partner with his neighbor; and a partner with his acknowledged Creator: to green  a little part of this Planet.

We need places where the educated and charitable; like the Students from the New School and the interns from Bain and Company, who came to our Harlem garden, can in open air peace; directly interact with residents of less fortunate areas and : be friends and mentors, and students. Because, only free, honest, mutual, and regular associations, effectively inculcate  success strategies and better attitudes; between anxious minds.

Further; we need places that honor the toil of past community leaders: who, when their neighborhoods were abandoned; did not abandon Hope. Those, almost forgotten icons of citizen action, like our little Harlem garden’s Mrs. Carrie McCracken,  or  the neighborhood children and leaders from TRUCE who followed after her demise: to turn over rubble strewn  lots:  despite blight, crime, and violence: to plant flowers, and vegetables , and trees: refreshing our community life.

And yes; we need to honor those, who dared to  challenge the presumptuous return of the temporary administrators; who wanted to hand out the lots at bargain sales; as soon the calculus of the Real Estate and Wall Street computed “ profit opportunity’  again. We don’t begrudge the “moneychangers”, their honest gain: we’ve lived high off their commerce to. We simply say that; they must be made to leave a substantial  part, of this pie; to the rest of us.

For; some of us:  how the balance of these lands are disposed , is a barometer, as to whether this City’s political leaders  intends to provide fair and equal access to redevelopment resources and capital. Only;  an equitable division of the rest of these lots:  with  common tenancy across ethnic and income spectrums; would suffice as a Just disposition. We want compensation for all the publically owned treasures; pillaged, without our consent.

These  real properties; came into possession of the City of New York,  due to  spiteful criminal abandonments, redlining, and an odious policy of planned shrinkage (e.g. partial ethnic cleansing). They shouldn’t be tossed about as tokens, by current or future political office holders: slyly passing them to their buddies; through deft handoff maneuvers: like the Subway pickpocket teams  do, to the victim rider’s wallet.

We, rather, seek  preservation,  of the  better portion of these common lands; with an end to successions  of political figures giving favored deals to the wealthy developers and private non-profit vote herders. We challenge, those claiming to favor economic freedom; to endow our neighborhoods with common green space. So that, free, neighborly commerce can incubate, innovate, and  emerge  as new and exciting indigenous businesses. Just as important:  to guarantee us, Earth renewing relaxation venues, close to home.

We want spaces; where the Widow, can grow Pumpkins for pies to sell at her Church Bazaar or  local Farmer’s market. And so that the 60 year old man, who  doesn’t want to flip burgers to eke out a living; can grow his own fruit and vegetables, to make nutritious unsalted soups; to sell to fellow street  vendors,  neighborhood workers, and shut-ins at a fair price.

We want places, where children can learn the basic Principles of Good Business , by raising chickens for eggs or bees;  instead of, from watching their older siblings sell drugs and worse.  We want spaces where Seniors and Juniors; together can grow Cut Flowers:  in new greenhouses to be sold to local Florists: instead of them,  buying imports at higher cost. Can we not grow Tulips sustainably here? We demand space, where good Stewards can let fellow, though, homeless citizens glean a fresh tomato without shame. And then maybe that homeless will come and plant their own; the following season. Our churches are overwhelmed giving people food: We need to teach more people how to grow some of their food.

We will not really Green New York unless we create the pockets where seminal Green economies can develop at a grassroots level. And if the politicians demur and delay on this: then let us seek a referendum to mandate that it be done. That’s the pathway towards a needed increase in government “of the People, by the People, and for the People”.


Spring Agenda: Taking Care of Our Green Space

Winter 2010:  Sustaining and Sustainability

At our March 13th meeting we will discuss six vital areas:

  • Physical  Site  Maintenance
  • Waste Disposal & Recycling
  • Energy conservation & production
  • Soil   & Water Enhancement
  • Income & Investments
  • Safety & Emergency Response

Do you have some time to give as we prepare to open the gates in April?  Please volunteer to lead on some of these issues.  We want pairs of Co-Chairs for each area to recruit volunteers, gather resources and make this garden the best it can be for 2010 and beyond.

Carrie McCracken TRUCE  Garden /143-145 St. Nicholas Avenue

P.O. Box 1486    New  York,  New York 10026

Winter creation by one of our gardeners here in Harlem

February Snow

Winter in the garden

Greenthumb Sign


frozen fig

Meeting Updates

The regular second Saturday meeting for February is exceptionally canceled, due to the snow and holiday weekend. We always welcome your input and inquiries:

Gardeners gathered on February 1st at our local 115th St. library branch. Many thanks to our friends and fellow gardeners at the library for providing a wonderful room. We discussed plans for spring including plant orders, cat control and open hours, postponed election of officers, shared ideas for new outreach and fundraising.

Ivy, Steve and Marta attended the NYC Community Gardens Coalition event on February 6th. It was great to hear some of our elected officials making plans to help us protect our gardens as the State Attorney’s community_gardens_agreement is set to expire. For example, we met City Council Member Melissa Mark-Viverito, newly elected Chair of the Committee on Parks and Recreation, who has studied our garden’s case in past years and look forward to working with her. Bobby Wilson of the American Community Garden Association was inspiring and led one of the afternoon workshops. It’s always great to see gardeners come together and we had a great time.

NYCCGC Forum 2010

See you for our next regular meeting on Saturday, March 13th at noon (indoor location to be confirmed).