Tag Archives: urban

NY1 story on urban farm in Harlem

St Mary’s on West 126th Street started a farm. Read more at:


Vokashi Invitation, October 29th in Fort Greene

From Steve:
Dear Carrie McCracken TRUCE garden composters,
Looking forward to another  food waste deposit. I have prepared  an area
in a new planting box.  I am forwarding a communication from Vandra;
eco-entrepreneur and activist Board Member of the New York City Community
Garden Coalition. Vokashi  http://nyccgc.org/
She has invited us to be a part of an  exciting event reviewing
progress in spreading the potential benefits of Bokashi recycling.
I spoke with Vandra yesterday; and she would like to know if we
can attend and present word of our collaboration. Please share
with the participants at HCFS to see how many can attend and
share the flyer with your networks. The  sooner we get this technology inot
widespread use for environmental and agricultural benefits; the greener our
urban communities will be.
Invitation from Vandra:
As seasoned or new fermenters, I would really appreciate your attending this demonstration. While the program will include the basics of fermenting from making the bran, to watching a couple of the composting practices, I would also like to introduce other gardens using fermented food waste and the research that is going on at Brooklyn College.
 Want to recycle your food scraps? and help urban composting? Have you heard about fermenting food scraps? Do you know that fermented food scraps is good for composting and worm bins?
hear the developing story
of fermenting food waste in NYC
from fermenters, scientists, gardeners,
households and small businesses, all recycling their organic food waste and providing valuable resources for community garden composting
Saturday, October 29 @ 11:00 AM—2:00 PM*
Trilok Fusion Center for Arts and Education
143 Waverly Avenue, Fort Greene
rsvp to 718 623 1911 or vokashi@gmail.com
* made possible with grant from Councilmember Letitia James
Many thanks,

Vokashi – kitchen waste solution
2nd Place Winner – BPL’s PowerUp! Business Plan competition

Urban Agriculture Exhibition at New School Opens September 30th

Visit a free exhibition on grassroots urban agriculture

Living Concrete/Carrot City

Parsons The New School for Design
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center Galleries 66 Fifth Avenue at 13th Street

October 1–December 15, 2010
Opening Reception: September 30, 2010, 6:30–8:30 pm
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Gallery


Express Yourself! Public Hearing on City Garden Rules Coming Soon!

Dear Friends of Carrie McCracken TRUCE Community Garden:

You’ve heard that the City could decide to evict our gardeners and garden at any time. Now the City is proposing new rules that offer fewer protections to all gardens on City property. Take a moment now to call 311 to express yourself about urban gardens and ask for rules that give gardens the respect they deserve. The public hearing will be August 10th. This is the best time to make your voice heard.

More information is below from: http://www.nyccgc.org/

July 22, 2010
Dear Community Gardeners and Garden Supporters:
As you may have heard, the New York City Administration recently published “Proposed Rules” for community gardens under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks and Recreation (Green Thumb/Parks) and the Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD). The City claims that these rules are an adequate replacement for the 2002 Memorandum of Agreement (“Community Gardens Agreement”) between the New York State Attorney General and the Bloomberg Administration that has been protecting community gardens for the past 8 years – and which will be expiring this September.
NYCCGC is firmly in opposition to these Proposed Rules because they threaten all gardens on City property with development and do not offer the same protections as the 2002 Community Gardens Agreement.
We ask that you, along with your community gardening group, affiliated coalitions, neighbors, supporters, and organizations, stand with us in opposing these rules and demanding rules that permanently preserve existing community gardens and allow pathways for creating more gardens in the future.
Please plan to attend the public hearing for comments on the Proposed Rules on community gardens under Parks and HPD jurisdiction to be held on Tuesday August 10, 2010, 11:00am, at the Chelsea Recreation Center located at 430 West 25th Street, New York, New York 10010. Information on how to register your intention to testify as well as how to comment on these rules in writing, online, or by mail is available on our website (www.NYCCGC.org) and at the end of this letter.
Suggestions for points to make in your testimony and written comments:
1. The Proposed Parks Rules must state that all gardens in good standing will remain as community gardens.
2. The Proposed HPD Rules must include a process for community gardens in good standing to be transferred to Parks.
3. The Proposed Parks/HPD Rules threaten community gardens because they do not extend the protections established in the 2002 “Community Gardens Agreement”.
4. Rather than preserving community gardens, the Proposed Parks/HPD Rules assume all gardens are subject to development.
5. The City Administration needs to recognize community-controlled green spaces and provide long-term solutions for making community gardens permanent.
6. The Rules need to provide processes and procedures for creating new gardens and urban farms.
Most of all we recommend that you tell the story of your community garden and why it is special to you, your family, and your community in your comments at the hearing and in writing.
On our website you can find links to the Proposed Rules to read them and download them for yourself, updates on our mobilization efforts, and dates of upcoming information sessions in neighborhoods across the City. Please contact us if you want to help with these efforts.
No matter whether your community garden is Green Thumb/Parks, HPD, NYRP, or Land Trust – even if you don’t garden at all but want to support NYC’s community gardens – a threat to even one garden is a threat to all gardens! The time to stand together for all community gardens is NOW.
We look forward to standing with you in solidarity for our gardens on Tuesday, August 10th!
Yours in Solidarity with all Community Gardens,
Further information on testifying and commenting on the Proposed Rules:
Notice of your intention to testify on either proposed rule should be registered with Ms. Laura LeVelle: call (212) 360-1335, email laura.lavelle@parks.nyc.gov, or send a letter to her: Department of Parks and Recreation, The Arsenal, Central Park, 830 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10065. You must register to speak by August 9, 2010.
Written comments regarding the Proposed Parks Rules should be sent to: General Counsel, Mr. Alessandro G. Olivieri, Department of Parks and Recreation, The Arsenal, Central Park, 830 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10065.
Written comments regarding the Proposed HPD Rules should be sent to Mary-Lynne Rifenburgh, 100 Gold Street, Room 5Q-2, New York 10038.
You can also directly comment online on either rules through the City’s website (http://www.nyc.gov/html/nycrules), or by calling 311 on or before August 10, 2010.
NYCCGC recommends that you should comment on both rules.

GreenThumb Conference Saturday, March 20th

This week only, you get breakfast, lunch, workshops and a t-shirt for just $3 when you register for GreenThumb’s annual conference!
It’s time to mark your calendars and pre-register for the 26th Annual GreenThumb GrowTogether conference at Hostos Community College, Saturday March 20th, 2010, from 9a.m. to 4p.m.

Interested? Mail in the GTGTInvitation yourself before March 8th, or register at the door for $5 and no t-shirt.

Everyone is welcome, we hope to see you there.

Visit GreenThumb’s website for updated details.

See you at the conference!