Tag Archives: urban agriculture

So what’s this about a farm? by Steven Kidd, Co-Contact (Revised June 14)

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt, activist

Market Gardening is briefly defined as growing, to sell, agricultural goods on a small amount

of  land: with  a  goal  of becoming profitable; or, at least, less dependent on outside charity.

For,  community managed  gardens;  usually  non-profit operations: creating a Market Garden

seeks  make the urban garden  more sustainable sustainable by  increasing overall productivity.

This is done by using better methods;  and  by rewarding the work of the gardeners ,  through

cooperative shaaring of the work and rewards.

While  gardening,  is a pleasant outdoor hobby or pastime: it is also, a potential opportunity to

Improve the lower  and moderate income peoples’  standard  of living  through entrepreneurial

labor. Through our  community gardens we  can directly improve our health;  our stress levels;

our  relations with neighbors; as well as; the bottom line of our wallets.

Especially; in this period of great economic stress: our Carrie  McCracken TRUCE Garden needs

to improve its ability to pay for its upkeep. And, to  maximize; it’s  value to the community, as a

whole. With a strategy for Market gardening we begin to acknowledge that..

A  purely  non-profit and individualistic business model is unlikely   to do  succeed; on a level, approaching  the cost ;  of  either:  the lost taxes or other constructive uses that,  the property on which  the garden exists,  could command  in a fair market.

We, who say, we  want  this community  garden  to  be preserved, need  to keep in mind, the

Pure economic reality of the times.  We need to be  better prepared to defend ;  on economic, and

Not just  ecological and  sociological  terms,  our endeavor.  One;  has only to look at recent cuts

to  other social service;  cultural; and  municipal  services ( due to  budgetary contractions)  to

see  the a prudent course  of action: is to become less reliant on  government  or  private charity:

to fund  the expense of our  young community enterprise.

this  is, in part why,  last year;  I began to campaign among the membership for a consensus to

apportion the  garden’s   space to permit the development of a Market Garden option for greater

participation. I’ve advertised  for,  and directly recruited cooperators for this project. And  also

been gathering the needed  tools, materials, and supplies to be able to start the transformation.

With  support  and faith  from other key members;  the groundwork was  done, in a way, that

Provided  more; not less,  space  for individual gardeners.

Now that the whole garden is substantially planted :  I will convene a series of meetings to

explore the market gardening concept; meet with potential technical assistance providers; and

to  give the willing  members an opportunity to shape the next level of implementation. There is

no barrier to any  Box Holder,  also participating in the Market Garden’s development. In  fact,  I

believe,  it will be a combination of individual  and cooperative  means of production;  that will

make our community garden viable for the future.

I hope this project will receive continued and greater support from the membership: now that it is

On the verge of initiation. In the meantime; please, as with any garden matter,  feel entitled  to

speak with me directly: if you have questions and,  or suggestions. I expect to be increasing my

on-site time in the garden shortly; and shouldn’t be hard to reach.

I would ask that you, first,  take a look at some background information about the concept and

review some successful  examples of market gardening. For instance:





As with my initiation of this garden’s revival;  I am focused but not inflexible in approach.

I don’t have all the  answers:  but I know and believe that ultimately access to the answers are

usually, just,  a person ; a google search; and  some honest  conversations away.

Just don’t expect me to spoon feed you from the homework, I’ve had to do. People who come

only  with questions and concerns:  rarely contribute more than confusion to any progressive

movement. A harsh assessment:  maybe: but, one born out of  long  experience, with  this,

my neighborhood being last. Will you help us be first: in this?