Category Archives: hardscape

Garden is storm ready


sawing plywood to fit the shed sides

We prepared for hurricane Irene on Saturday morning. Harlem is elevated ground and our area has not been evacuated.

We temporarily enclosed the tool shed with plywood and moved all tools and loose items inside, to prevent them from blowing in the wind.

Larger furniture is stacked. tied and anchored.

Special thanks to Mike, Roy, Steve, Marta and Michelle for preparing the garden.

Roy secures shelter posts, hammering bolts into the ground

the tarp roof removed

benches tied together

all benches and chairs stacked and tied

trees as anchors


Most of our gardeners have experienced hurricanes before. Steve led a repair train to the yard for the MTA during the last one to hit New York and is relieved to be retired today. Roy and Mike have seen many hurricanes on the islands. Michelle was in a flooded house in North Point. It was great to share stories and advice.

We send best wishes to our friends and loved ones still working to secure the City and hope everyone else enjoys their forced staycations.

good excuse to clean out

Mike and Steve install temporary plywood on tool shed

Second Saturday In August

Our meeting brought us together in the shade of the tarp. Thanks to GreenThumb for our new signs, which Mike and other gardeners promptly displayed on our fence. We also looked at nearby empty lots and their soil – certainly our lot is much improved. The roof on the tool shed is almost complete and ready to help keep our supplies dry and organized.




June photos

broken bricks make nice paths between plots


getting tools and getting to work


good meeting attendance even in the rain


grapes forming


roses bloom


mulberries are a hit


lush cabbage


Dirt delivered

soil and compost delivery piles near the gate

Mike adds soil around young plants

soil shower for seedlings

GreenThumb delivered soil and compost to our garden on Monday.
Everyone should take this opportunity to enhance the soil in their planting area. Anyone with low soil volume in their boxes or areas can now build up soil depth.  Everyone who already has plants growing can apply some compost for fertilization.
We need to clear the piles, so take some soon. With all the rain this week, we will do our best to keep the piles dry and easy to move.
Our soil tests show that the improvements we made last year are significant.
Please take some soil to your box and help us distribute the new dirt.
Many thanks to GreenThumb for this help to our soil and garden.

April Meeting

winter survivors

listening to fellow gardeners

getting right to work on new planting beds

gardeners gather

Thanks to everyone who came out to help open the garden for the season. Our hands were chilly but the gardeners were warm and welcoming.

Snow Duty

Thanks to Dee’s hard work our sidewalks are staying clear despite relentless snow this month!

We are the first to know salt can damage plants, but these storms call for a serious response.

Safety first! Salt distribution


Dee on it in the morning


under a blanket of snow


winter is the time for garden dreams

2010 garden notes

October Garden Updates from Steve: So Happy with Garden and Gardeners

Thanks to the Green Thumb Spring tree clearing; Roy’s insistence: and Mike’s ingenuity, it was shown that more gardening space could be created on the South side of the garden. This area  is generally shaded; but morning sunlight does enter. We have a young volunteer who likes to dig holes. With his Mother and Grandpa’s permission he comes in from time to time to work off some energy. We will fill these holes with plant debris, food waste etc.: another kind of composting. As the contents of these holes decompose; they will make for richer planting pockets.

I am hopeful that those who’ve expressed a interest in Herb and Vertical gardening will come together and use the new space next year. So, Anyone else who needs to work off some extra calories; should consider digging a hole or two: the more the better.

I want to acknowledge the good work done; in finally getting the Stage area nearly returned for its designed use.
The decent Tool Shed is a huge step forward.  I felt pretty bad during the Spring Clean -up; because my body wasn’t allowing me to participate. Nonetheless, agret showing by other members chipped in a big dent into what had become a boneyard of discarded or unused items. Now this month  a force of members have come and moved the clean-up near to completion. What is really nice:is that participation included the range of members  from the oldest to the newest: in age and time. If I start to name people; I’ll leave someone out: so let’s just say from Marta and Ivy to Emily and Jen. And work continued; after that big push. The prickly brush pile is gone: Eren and John recently  cleared the final bramble along with the area around the stage platform.

The materials stored for unstarted projects were evaluated by ” Auditors” Michelle and Marta: and what wasn’t able to be justified for retention (by the hoarders, like me) was consigned to the trash heap. It should be noted that Garland Roberts has been working hard to clear dead plants, and to stake and  fertilize those still with a chance to produce: all over the garden.

But you still are urged to reinforce my conversation with him; about communicating to other members; when you plan to do something that will affect their enjoyment of the garden.Yes, the actual cleaning up would have been  faster; if not for Garland’s noxious brew of  fermenting Cow Manure. That was a pain !! However; as Roy opined ; it will pay a big  dividend next year, when we are trying to farm for marketable production.Though nasally objectionable; people need to recall the puny quarter load of compost we received; as our  individual gardener ranks swelled from twelve to thirty-five, this 2010 season. We need to optimize our capacity to enrich our soil. Donations are welcome; but we must always be willing to: Do For Self; to keep this garden going in the right direction.  Marilyn and I both arrived: just under the wire to the GT Workshop for Composting and Soil sign-up.

With permission of Harold Paynter; Operations Manager: We were allowed to order a full two loads of soil and a load of compost for Spring delivery. Now: I am working to touch base with Lillian Reyes; the Outreach Coordinator covering District 10 Gardens for Green Thumb. She may be able to schedule us for use of a Chipper /Shredder to address the Compost mess. I’ve also submitted an application for the garden to be a Bagged Leaf gathering site. This will take place on Saturdays in November; when public hours have ended; giving us first choice of compostable leaf  material from the area. I will also ask her about new signage, so we will be fully in compliance with GT regulations, as we begin this next chapter.

Eren is working with Lady K and Amelia to finalize arrangements for a ceremonial installation of the new mural boards.

October celebration coming soon: let Eren know  if you’ll help. email:

Volunteer needed:

If anyone has time late mornings; we could use a regular pick-up of coffee grounds from the local Starbuck’s. The Manager has always been willing to accommodate us this way; but, we need to be consistent about pickups. Once someone steps up on this;I think we should post a placard showing Starbuck’s support for neighborhood greening. Coffee grounds don’t need composting; just worked into the soil. And, they release a good smell: not like rotting crab and cow dung. Worms really get hopped up on them; and everyone should know how good worms are for soil. I’ve been going to so many meetings; that its taken away from my actual gardening time. We need more meeting attendees!!!! And I mean soon.

Garden T-shirt templates available
: (image coming soon) If you like it; as I did,  I’ll run you off an iron-on transfer for a buck. Or you can have one professionally made at  Kev’s Print shop for $ 9.00 .  Send comments and order requests to Marilyn at:   .

June Meeting Report

We discussed:

Our regret that Citizen’s Care will close the meal service and space across the street from us due to City spending cuts. We are grateful to the (former) staff for their support of the garden and for hosting garden meetings this past winter.

GreenThumb Summer ProgramGuide – we need volunteers to attend these free workshops.

Garden Budget: Current funds to be disbursed for common requests – stakes, labels, hydrant attachment, fertilizer, trash bins and bags, gravel, hose caddy and more.

Rainwater collection plan: Detailed plan needed, please send us your suggestions

Watering attachment – one will be kept in the tool box. Roy continues to water regularly. See Steve’s recent opinion piece on this question in the previous post.

Toolshed construction team formed, to be planned further Sunday

July 5 picnic planning, join us at 2pm, side dishes welcome

Questions? Suggestions? Write to us at:

Steve amid the tomatoes

growing greens

planting box

Mike's new transplants

first sunflower opens

lilles greet passers-by

admiring the newly organized tool box and planning to keep it that way

May Updates

Sage picks the first radish of the season!
sunflowers germinating in time for Pablo memorial

peppers and other starts in Steve's market project box

hazelnut growing vigorously

strawberry leaves

Ivy added annuals rock garden area

new bed layout

lots of passers-by stop to take a look

garden members discuss

grape vines survived the winter and now have trellis