Tag Archives: tool shed

Garden is storm ready


sawing plywood to fit the shed sides

We prepared for hurricane Irene on Saturday morning. Harlem is elevated ground and our area has not been evacuated.

We temporarily enclosed the tool shed with plywood and moved all tools and loose items inside, to prevent them from blowing in the wind.

Larger furniture is stacked. tied and anchored.

Special thanks to Mike, Roy, Steve, Marta and Michelle for preparing the garden.

Roy secures shelter posts, hammering bolts into the ground

the tarp roof removed

benches tied together

all benches and chairs stacked and tied

trees as anchors


Most of our gardeners have experienced hurricanes before. Steve led a repair train to the yard for the MTA during the last one to hit New York and is relieved to be retired today. Roy and Mike have seen many hurricanes on the islands. Michelle was in a flooded house in North Point. It was great to share stories and advice.

We send best wishes to our friends and loved ones still working to secure the City and hope everyone else enjoys their forced staycations.

good excuse to clean out

Mike and Steve install temporary plywood on tool shed